
ID Post date Category Description Airport Date lost Location Image
1064180 9 years 3 weeks ago Mobile / Cell Phone iPhone John F Kennedy International Airport, JFK, New York, US, (... 11/21/2015 AA 67
1064181 9 years 3 weeks ago Clothing A blue rain jacket with pocket. Inside one of the... John F Kennedy International Airport, JFK, New York, US, (... 11/20/2015 On terminal 8 outside of America Airlines.
1064184 9 years 3 weeks ago Camera Sony 3D video camcorder model HDR-TD20 in black... John F Kennedy International Airport, JFK, New York, US, (... 10/18/2015 Lufhasa Airplane under seat 065K
1064185 9 years 3 weeks ago Laptop Macbook pro in a denim case with a red zipper.... John F Kennedy International Airport, JFK, New York, US, (... 11/15/2015 Delta Terminal flight 473 at 12:00pm at the gate it left from near delta lounge
1064186 9 years 3 weeks ago Mobile / Cell Phone Iphone 6, (gold version) however the gold will be... John F Kennedy International Airport, JFK, New York, US, (... 11/19/2015 Terminal 4, I had the phone just before security. I walked straight through security and only stopped at the ladies toilets straight after security before heading straight to the gate.
1064187 9 years 3 weeks ago Bag Hello. I had picked up the wrong luggage for... John F Kennedy International Airport, JFK, New York, US, (... 11/22/2015 baggage claim terminal 1
1064189 9 years 3 weeks ago Mobile / Cell Phone I-phone 5 In plain black leather Apple case John F Kennedy International Airport, JFK, New York, US, (... 11/21/2015 Terminal 8
1064190 9 years 3 weeks ago Suitcase 2 suitcases reservation code: JGVTBH, HI9FQJ... John F Kennedy International Airport, JFK, New York, US, (... 11/21/2015 JFK, terminal 1
1064191 9 years 3 weeks ago Handbag (Purse) Attached is a picture of the black leather... John F Kennedy International Airport, JFK, New York, US, (... 11/20/2015 outside jet blue terminal