
ID Claim date Category Description Date lost Location
1075321 06/20/17 Mobile / Cell Phone Lost iPhone 7 - Red back with white face and white cover but you can see through the case. Left in the handicap bathroom in the American Airlines Terminal Monday evening. The battery was dead. My phone number is 561-313-4367 (in case I get a replacement phone) but call Jessica Perez at 561-371-3808. My Email: [email protected]. Thank you! 06/19/2017 west palm beach, florida
1075332 06/20/17 Other A picture frame 24 inches by 36 inches approximately which was wrapped in bubble wrap without any name or identification. The picture frame was left upright against a wall close to the Aer Lingus checkin area in terminal 5 on Monday 19th approx 7pm. The picture was of two white boats taken on Cape Cod. It is of great sentimental value and Hope it has been has been handed into the lost property office. 06/19/2017 Terminal 5 close to Aer...
1075652 06/30/17 Bag I left a black laptop bag of amazon basics after the security check point of JFK New York. The bag contains a hp branded laptop with charger, two cell phones (Motorola and Alcatel branded), one tab of amazon fire and one smart watch. 06/20/2017 Bangladesh
1075343 06/21/17 Mobile / Cell Phone iPhone 6, with black rubber shock proof cover, ph # 310 351 5214 06/20/2017 JFK New York International...
1075369 06/22/17 Identification I lost my passport Tuesday night while boarding el al flight 08 Please email me at [email protected] If found 06/20/2017 King david Jerusalem
1075376 06/22/17 Clothing Gray and black shawl poncho with fringe. I believe when departing delta ramp or that area. 06/20/2017 Near delta
1076903 08/05/17 Bracelet Diamond bracelet with big 2 leaves 06/20/2017 Terminal 8
1075913 07/08/17 Wallet Dear friends, I lost between the x-ray and the Jet Blue boarding a Black Wallet containing 4 cards and a Brazilian id with my photo and name. In the Brazilian identity there is my full name (Danilo Malaquias Lessa). The letters are: - A Citibank VISA; - A Santander Mastercard; - A yellow from a Brazilian bank; - And one described "PLANSERV", referring to a health plan. I would like to know how to proceed if found. Regards, Danilo Lessa 06/20/2017 X-RAY JET BLUE'S...
1075480 06/25/17 Mobile / Cell Phone IPhone 6, color gold. 06/20/2017 JFK airport, Lufthansa, gate...